
146. The banners

In the previous text, “145. The malice”, April 13; where I wrote about what I remembered from the beginning of the influences in 1975, the first sentence was “The malice follows our banners“. This is a paraphrase of the refrain from a famous Norwegian labor song, called “Seiren følger våre faner” (The victory follows our banners). The song is from a labor movie called “By og land hand i hand” (Town and country hand in hand) from 1937. The lyrics is by Arne Paasche Aasen 1901 ‐ 1978, a famous Norwegian poet. Arne Paasche Aasen’s texts are typical for the Norwegian working‐class culture. Many of them describe the daily life of ordinary people; their life, thoughts and feelings. This song is a song that gives words, to that people shall achieve political improvements. There are some such songs, but this cultural movement was characterize of a broadly range of varying contents, which described all sides of ordinary people’s life.

I think about that when this song was written, the criminals could have been doing something for many years. I don’t know when they started with their influences, but I think about that it can be before the First World War 1914 ‐ 1918. If my supposition is correct, which I think it is, then these criminals could have influenced to many things already in 1937.

Below I have translated the text. I have tried to quote the contents, and not written a new poem. Some Norwegian words don’t have the same words in English, therefore I also have had to rewrite a little. But the contents is fairly identical to the original.

The victory follows our banners

The victory follows our banners
forward through storms and fights,
lift them high in strong hands
over our time which is hard as iron.
It is ancestors precious heritage,
they came loyal along
where the toil’s men and women
for their freedom fought.
They gave strength and go‐ahead spirit
when we went to battle:
The victory follows our banners!
Workpeople, unite with one another!

The victory follows our banners!
The battle horn booms out afresh.
Now the future people once more
gather from cluster of farms and from town:
The men from harrow and plow,
workshop and office,
women from houses and cottages
‐ people from mountain and fiord.
The whole people are on the march
forward toward new battles.
The victory follows our banners!
Workpeople, unite with one another!

The victory follows our banners!
Listen to the jubilant song!
See the people’s parade that interprets
the work’s creative urge.
Carry toward peace and freedom forward
red banners’ fire ‐
we go out today and protect
the people’s fatherland.
Man and woman – be on guard,
ready for the battle’s day.
The victory follows our banners!
Workpeople, unite with one another!

Lyrics: Arne Paasche Aasen 1901 – 1978
Music: Jolly Kramer‐Johansen 1902 – 1968
From the movie: “By og land hand i hand” 1937
(Town and country hand in hand)
Director: Olav Dalgard 1898 ‐ 1980

April 14, 2017, David H. Hegg