
84. An artificial condition

The situation that developed after the influences by the criminals in 1976; makes me now feel that these influences created an artificial condition in me, which activated artificial energies inside me. This is that inner motivative factors, and reactions in proportion to these factors; have been artificial fabricated connections. In addition to that; these criminals who do crimes against humans minds, also influenced to change how I remembered and comprehended other people and what were around me. In the end, this also was about the whole world; that I understood the whole world in a wrong way. All of this is something foreign to me, which has been brought into my life from outside. The different energies which became activated in me because of this; as motive power to do things, feelings of different kinds, etc.; were an artificial condition in me.

When I have been inside these influences’ influence over me, it has been impossible for me to understand about it. When I now are outside these influences’ influence, it is as I am free of being captured by these influences. To being captured by these influences, is that one’s thoughts, memories, feelings and reactions, etc.; are captured in a way it is impossible to understand what is.

This captivity of one’s inner being, is created of how these influences work, and how the influences have possibilities. For me, I think it has been, that instead of how these influences more and more should have won over me; it has been that I more and more have won over the influences. When I have won over the influences, these influences more and more have became as nothing inside me. This looks like, that these influences must be able to develop more and more, as they are influenced to do, to be more and more dominating. When I little by little have understood more and more about this, it slowly has gone the opposite way; the influences more and more disappear.

After I started to understand correct about these influences in 2013, I have started to overcome these influences much faster than before. That is now about three years. Within three years, I have overcome how these influences had developed in 37 years.

It is like, that I earlier, instead of understanding a few important simple things; got lost in more and more incomprehensible unimportant things.

The first ten years I had no idea that something, like this went on. After the first ten years, it all became much worse. After that again, I have had a constant understanding about that these criminals try to trick me. Therefore, I haven’t fully believed in anything, before I started to understand correct in 2013.

All these forty years have been that I have understood something, simultaneous as the influences have developed, as they have been influenced to develop. The more these influences have done in me, the more I have understood about the influences. It seems like, that these criminals have influenced me very much. That has resulted in that I in the end have understood very much about the influences. It is clear, that when I understand correct about the influences, it is possible for me to eliminate the influences which I understand correct about.

It is also an overall situation. As I understand more and more about these influences, it is like, that the whole situation inside me, caused by these influences, also generally becomes better all of it. It is as if the positive development inside me, wins against the negative development inside me, as a whole.

Now I think about; that these criminals maybe think about the whole existence around them, as something smaller than themselves. I think about the whole existence around me, as something larger than myself. This has become about something larger than myself. I don’t know what everything is, but I think about the entire existence as something larger than myself. My situation towards these criminals and their crimes, weren’t something I chose to care about. This is what my life became. If I hadn’t won against these influences, these influences had won against me; that wasn’t something I chose. This situation forced me to win against the influences; otherwise, I had been forces to lose against the influences, which then had used me to do very bad things, I think.

Why shall we humans understand? There must be a reason for that. I don’t understand more than that. It is important for us humans to understand correct. That is always the first we must do about everything. We must find out correct and understand correct. To find out correct about these criminals’ crimes, is something important to do. These criminals influence us to understand wrong. I think that is a fundamental crime. My ability to understand correct, has won against these influences’ attempt to influence me to understand wrong.

We humans reach our different goals, because we all are humans. Everything we do has to do with how we all do different things. These criminals have betrayed that we all are humans, and reach our different coals because of that. No one had reached one’s goal alone. Both they who succeed, and they who not succeed; belong to the fellowship, where we all play a part. When people do things that have to do with other people’s life, then other people also are parts of what it is.

It is possible to imagine a theoretical presentation of how a surplus comes into being. Imagine a bar chart with different bars for all the necessary things, which a society must produce, and how many of the population it is necessary to have to work in each bar. How efficient people shall work, is a consideration between different things. It isn’t necessary to work too much efficient. When the society has enough of the population, to work for all the necessary tings; there will be more of the population, who can do other things. Reduced working hours is also something it is possible to think about in this connection; then the surplus becomes leisure time, and time to do other things. These other tings is the surplus, which the society can have.

All the humans in a society create this surplus. This is a fundamental understanding, which I think these criminals want to hinder, that we understand. This is a fundamental theoretical model; it is possible to make different such fundamental theoretical models.

I think the criminals want to take this surplus, and have it themselves. But it is more than that; the criminals want to increase this surplus, to make it larger than what it natural had been. That has started to destroy the whole world, and everything has started to be wrong. In the old historical society, those in power took this surplus by oppressing the population.

In modern thinking, power in the society shall be to the best for all, not only to the best for them who have power.

Our understanding about things isn’t dependent on our practical reality. To understand correct will always start to make things better. Much is about how we behave towards one another, because of what we understand. To change our understanding, can go faster, that to change our practical reality.

November 23, 2016, David H. Hegg