
73. An important factor

An important factor is that the influences have been done in a way, which the influenced people don’t know anything about. Such influences, by the criminals who do crimes against humans’ minds, are invisible influences by people we don’t know about. We have no memory about that this has been done against us. And we haven’t understood anything about that it goes one.

This can be compare with that invisible people walk among us, and influence us in different ways we don’t perceive. It can be relevant to picture to oneself, that we see, that this goes on, in a movie where these invisible people have been made visible for the viewers. By making a screen version of this, a movie can show how the invisible criminals influence other people, as if they were there and did it consecutively minute by minute.

To imagine such a movie, is to move these criminals from the places where they do these influences, to the situations where the influences work. This illustrative account lets the criminals go together with the influences, which is something they don’t do in the reality. In reality; we don’t see anything, we don’t hear anything, and we don’t know anything, etc. To imagine this, illustrates how important it is, that we don’t know about these influences.

That we don’t know about these influences, does that we only know something afterwards, when such influences have played a part.

When we don’t know anything about that this goes one, it all becomes something we don’t know that is something.

Beforehand we don’t know anything. Afterwards, when the influences have worked, we know what has happened. But we don’t know why and for what, and we don’t understand correct about it. And what such things really are, is typical the opposite of what we think it is. Typical such influences have caused problems, which after that, cause development of further problems. Such influences typical cause results, which influence us to understand wrong. Typical opposite experiences against one another become increased.

In 1986, this important factor played an important part for me. I had started to understand that something suspicious, like this went on, but I didn’t understand what it was. I always understood something afterwards, when the influences had worked, and then the influences had achieved their conquering effects over the people around me and over me, and over the whole situation. Gradually I lost against these influences, which I had started to understand something about. In the end, I had lost my memory and didn’t know and didn’t understand anything about it any longer.

When I now understand something, it is that I thirty years later, have started to understand what happened in 1986.

How these influences are something we don’t know anything about, does that we don’t know anything beforehand. And afterwards, it has become too late to hinder what the influences have achieved. Typical the influences have achieved something conquering which it is difficult or impossible to reverse.

When we have started to understand it all, then we have started to get that kind of upper hand of this. It has also been possible for us to be more careful than before, because we have started to understand about this. Little by little, we also can start to understand about this in a way, which can make it possible for us to reduce how this works. And we can hinder that different influences, which we understand about, achieve their further goals.

This is difficult, because the influences typical are combinations of different influences at the same time. It can be different people, different problems, and at different places, etc.; which all together is a plan, which it can be difficult to understand and start to deal with.

I think that these criminals have a kind of destructive idealism. That they reach what they want, by destruction.

I think that this destructive destruction now have started to mark the whole world. These criminals are happy over results, which slowly destroy the whole world. We all have been influenced to think that this is how it must be, but that is wrong. We can’t let these criminals continue with this destructive idealism, which makes them happy by destroying the natural fundamental values in the world. It is possible to understand that there has developed a dangerous veiled contempt for the natural fundamental values. It is these values which make the world working.

I think that what these criminals are doing, is to influence us to develop problems in a way which we don’t understand. Everything becomes so difficult for us. If we come out of these destructive influences, I think it will be easy for us to do things right, instead of difficult to do things wrong. We are influenced to not understand this.

An example of what it is, which is a natural fundamental value; is that it is the truths, which are the truths. The lies are not the truths. These criminals want lies to be truths. Our modern time is also marked by that truths shall have the power over the lies. The criminals swindle this modern understanding of justice.

Because this has been something hidden, a necessary part of our understanding about what goes on, has been lacking. This lack has got us to understand wrong. This wrong understanding becomes a wrong picture of it all. We don’t see the correct picture.

I think about these influences as something, which I associate with, that we are influenced to be like irresponsible children, which are lulled to sleep. But the reality is that we must be active against this. We must stand up and start to find out about it.

October 19, 2016, David H. Hegg