
66. A situation

What ruined for me in 1986, was a situation. This situation didn’t only ruin for me, but also for many other people. When looking closer at the situation, it turns out that this situation was created of many different people and unusual happenings. These different people had had little or nothing to do with us, who it was about. It is possible to say, that the situation took us, because we weren’t able to protect us against this unexpected situation.

This could happen because we weren’t prepared for what happened. My daughter, her mother and I; were used to a normal situation. The situation around us developed by itself, in a way we didn’t understand.

The criminals who use mind control, had influenced to how this could happen, during ten years before 1986. And what happened in 1986, was a series of unusual happenings, which also were caused by the criminals’ influences. There were also different outside strong motives that other people had.

More and more outsiders created the whole situation, because of one another’s influences against one another.

The relationship between my daughter and me was 100% normal. It was unthinkable for us that something should start to ruin for us. Those who ruined for us two, hadn’t had anything to do with us, and they didn’t know anything about us. They don’t still know what they have done.

A person said to me some years later, if you only knew what you have done. This is typical for this situation. I don’t know, because it isn’t me who have done anything of it. It is this person together whit many other people, who have done it, and they know what they have done, they who have done it. But they don’t not know why, because that is because of influences by these criminals.

I didn’t behaved in an abnormal way. Others behaved in an abnormal way.

October 5, 2016, David H. Hegg