
55. Economics

What is the difference between economics, and economic policy? Economics is a name for that field. Economic policy is an active carrying out of an economic theory. There can be many different economic theories, and there can be many different active economic policies. These have to do with culture and power.

I write this because I think the criminals, who use mind control, have influenced to an experience of that economics is only one system. Economics can be much different. The goals for different economic policies, can also be much different.

It is possible to ask: What is the alternative to the economic policy, which these criminals have influenced to? The answer is that these criminals have influenced everything, so it is no active alternative.

When thinking about these topics, it becomes topical to think about how it can be a problem, how the economy becomes too much dominating. It is typical; that too much of something, can be destructive.

Something typical these criminals are doing, are to influence to get the good to look bad, and the bad to look good. What it is, which is good or bad; can among others, be different sides of everything.

I think that it can be many ways, to do what is good. And the same ways, can also be used to do what is bad. It is important to work for good goals.

A good spirit of community, is the basis for every single person’s possibilities. Therefore it is the best for everybody, to always have what is best for the community in mind. A good community is like a good home.

A relevant problem regarding the economy; is how the economy has to do with development of power.

It is also relevant to point out, that charity isn’t a permanent and finished solution, for problems caused by unfairness.

That old people shall be isolated and made passive; is an example of how a too much dominating economy, causes a misanthropic social situation. This shows how it isn’t the old who are important in the economic system. This can be because of a sly way of thinking, by the criminals who use mind control. These criminals can have many sly ways of thinking, behind different ways of how they have influenced, to how we now have started to live. To split and make the people passive, seems to be one of the goals these criminals want to achieve.

The way of how we can change these influences in our societies, isn’t that we must stop working. It is that we must change how we are working. That is what we must do. We must change. Probable there will be more to do, when we do that. These criminals have been so restrictive and destructive. Typical they have influenced us to struggle into problems. The influences come from different angles, in a sly and unexpected way.

August 15, 2016, David H. Hegg