
50. The opposite

Now I think about how everything in my life, has been the opposite, of what I originally wanted to do. I think this also is something, it is possible to find out, that has worked in a similar way in the whole world. These criminals who use mind control, have used the same method against other humans, as they have used against me.

Because this crime has gone on for a long time, these criminals have influenced everything around us. This is only a special situation for us. When we understand this, then we understand correct again. And we can find the correct way, and the correct ways; for how we shall do things, and what we shall do. We must come out of these influences in a peaceful and positive way; that is a crisp and clean situation for us.

In this text I focus on how things slowly turn around to the opposite, by how these influences have been done. Typical this starts by influencing you, to begin to do something you want to do; but by such influences, that has been in another way, than what you had started to do by yourself.

This has to do with how these influences are conquering, in different ways. You can remember something wrong, want to do something you hadn’t wanted to do, think about something you hadn’t started to think, feel something you hadn’t started to feel, minimize things, ridicule things, and influence you to not to understand things, etc. Typical such influences can start to turn things around, to the opposite, by starting to let you think you shall reach something you want. But because this starts as something you are influenced to, you have started to do it in a way which the criminals have marked out, and you don’t understand that it becomes more and more wrong.

Typical more than one person are influenced, and when many people are influenced after a hidden plan, such influences intensify one another.

One important thing is how strong these influences work. That is also what they use to get people to not to find out about this crime. They influence people to not to find out about this crime, and that influence is strong. Therefor this is something, which it in a way, has been more difficult to understand after the criminals have started with it, than it was before they had started with it.

It seems clear, that the criminals have wanted to influence what ordinary people do, and how ordinary people live. People who are parts of the mainstream, have been in focus for these criminals’ influences. But, all different parts of the societies have been influenced, that seems clear. It is a little unexpected, that ordinary people have been in focus for these influences, but that is how it is.

I have been influenced to find out wrong about these things. That must be because the criminals are sure about, that it is impossible for me to find out correctly. It was when I in 2013 found out how they had done that, that I started to find out what it is, which is correct. To find out correct, has been to find out, understand, remember correctly, and change myself to be correct, etc.

When I understand about these things, it isn’t so impossible for me to conduct myself to this. I think about it, as if it is much to do, regarding what I now understand. This isn’t something impossible to face; it is much to do, that is how it is. This is how I feel and think regarding this.

It is important to understand that all of these influences are trickeries. Even you don’t understand what it is, which has been done to you, you can understand and be sure about, that it all only are trickeries. Experiences of danger and fear etc., are also only trickeries. Such things are really nothing, such things become something only because you start believing in them, don’t believe in such reactions inside you, regarding this. Such reactions are some kinds of hallucinations, which really aren’t anything.

I have found out how the criminals have done this against me. I haven’t found out what they have done against me. It seems as if it is impossible for me, to remember and find out what they have done against me. But that I have found out how these influences are done, that has been enough to stop all of it inside me. I have now been busy with this since 2013, in three years. In the course of these three years, I slowly and gradually have been able little by little to find out about it, and to stop all of it.

Among many things, I have thought that they have influenced me to forget everything. It seems like it has been an influence, which have been, that I shall forget everything I remember. As soon I remembered something, I afterwards forgot it. I think this is because of such strong influences. I have thought that this is something it is necessary to work strongly enough against. It seems like, that when I have worked strongly with some such memories, then that has worked on all my memory. It seems like, I have been able to stop this influence in me. For example, when I forgot something I tried to remember, I did the same again and again, for I don’t know how many times, but it could have been hundreds of times. And I found out, that this changed this, so I started to remember normally again. I did very much more, than you had thought had been necessary to do.

There are evidence for that this goes on. The aliens from outer space, are such evidence. The criminals who use mind control, are the only cause for these aliens. To remember that you have met aliens, correspond perfectly with what they have done against me. These wrong memories become crisp and clean. It can even be a little difficult to get them away, even you have found out that it must be wrong. For me such things always have been something I have started to remember afterwards. And then I have started to think, that such things have happened. Therefore, there are evidence, for that this goes on. Typical criminals don’t understand that they leave behind evidence. There are evidence for that this goes on.

Typical people who do bad things, don’t stop with that by themselves. We, who want to do right, must stop them who do bad things. This has to do with what is true, and what isn’t true. What is true, is correct. What isn’t true, isn’t correct. These also have to do with the historical development, we have more and more found out correct about different things, and that has changed our understanding about everything.

Typical the historical development is characterized by that bad things are based on lies. And because such things are based on lies, they aren’t correct, and they aren’t right. These are what our historical development have been about, regarding such thigs. Typical the aim has been to get all to understand more correct. The idea has been that people understand correct, when it is possible to understand correct. The idea has been that the truth wins over the lies. It hasn’t been that some people win against other people. It has been that the understanding wins against the ignorance. It is the humankind who wins. All the humans win together. We win more knowledge and possibilities and such things. We win to be developed humans.

To build up the situation for all humans, was also the original modern political aim. The development of humankind stood in the center for modern political thinking and understanding. This is something I think had developed much, when we had reached 1900. And the idea was that it should develop more from there and into the future. I think people had an optimistic view on the future.

We humans are different from all other species on Earth. We aren’t the same as other species. We humans are both community and individuals. We do things together, and we do things one by one. We live as cultural developed communities and individuals, and not because of instincts like animals do.

Very simply and superficial, it is possible to say that the historical time before present time, was characterized by both being developed and primitive at the same time. At present time it should be expected that we only are developed, and not primitive any longer. The criminals are ruining this developed situation we could have expected today. The period before today, will more and more be a short time in the history of humankind, the longer we have come into the future. This time before today is a short time, the future is a long time. All the bad things which have happened in the past, is impossible to change, but it is possible to make sure that such bad things not will happen in the future.

The situation the criminals influence it to be, is difficult. That is because that situation is that we shall ruin what we try to do. When we have found out about that, and don’t do that any longer, the situation will not any longer be difficult in that way. When we stop making problems, then we will not have so many problems any longer.

July 13, 2016, David H. Hegg