
Sunday, October 25, 2015

The three last messages are written in succession, regarding how the criminals who use mind control, make unnatural and artificial situations. In the last message I wrote about; that to solve problems because of such situations, can be compared with disarming a bomb. After that; I started to think that one single individual, can also be influenced with the intention of detonating. This can consist of different influences which charge up the person, with stronger and stronger feelings of motivation and strength, until it detonates.

Such a building up of stronger and stronger energies and powers in a human; can consist of many things, and systematic ways of working together. Here I only shall write a few key words.

Something very dangerous; are memory images of things which not have happened, or which in another ways not are correct. That can be connected with other things in a person's life, in an extremely dangerous way. After that, I start thinking about that such things also can be something; such a person not shall say anything about, but keep as hidden motivation. This type of influences can also be done in other ways, which cause wrong experiences of different things. My own experience of these influences, also gives me grounds to think that it is possible to influence by giving different commands. Many other influences are possible, and by putting them together, it all can be a strong motivation. In the end of these few key words, I also start thinking of how it becomes more effective, when real happenings also become a part of the plans such influences are made after. Such an influenced person is full of feelings and experiences of that one's wrong understanding is correct.

Now I also have thought about, that our modern historical development brought about, that the weapons lost against development of knowledge and understanding about the humans and the societies. I think these criminals want to influence people to use weapons, because that is not the strongest way humans can be, to develop humankind. A development of humankind, is what we all will benefit by. I think the situation for us humans today, is that humankind must win; and I think these criminals are ruining that, by their hidden activity.

When I wrote this text, I started to think about how automatic proofreading tries to remove some words, when you are using a word processing software. This is a widespread trend today. And; I started to think that these criminals want to take away possibilities, and power in our languages and writings. I thought that to write, sometimes can be compared with complex mathematical equations with various unknowns. I think about how it is possible to find out more, by talking and writing very correct, in ways that for example show how things are hidden in our social life and social systems. For example; can a confused and incomprehensible social situation, be made crisp and clean and understandable by good writing. It was the art of movable printing, which brought so much more possibilities to the development of humankind.

Picture also used in Messages 3, Thursday, September 26, 2013.

David H. Hegg