
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The last week I have had thoughts about how bad habits are something important to change.

It is important to have good habits. There are many things which become habits in one's life. Such things are often things you do without thinking about what you are doing. These habits work by themselves. It is important to establish good habits you are doing without thinking about them.

I think that the criminals, who use mind control, influence people to get bad habits they do not think about.

I have also thought about that these criminals have influenced me in a way, which changes my memory about my childhood. They have changed my memory, so I have understood wrong about things which happened, when I was a child.

Because of this, it has been something positive to remember correctly about such happenings in my childhood.

Sometimes I use place names and suchlike. The Norwegian alphabet have three letters more at last, than the English alphabet; æ,ø,å. It can be interesting to know how these three letters sound. Here are three examples.

'Æ/æ' has a sound like 'a' in glad, (alternatively ä, Swedish).
'Ø/ø' has a sound like 'ea' in learn, (alternatively ö, Swedish).
'Å/å' has a sound like 'oo' in door, (alternatively aa; old, before 1917).

The oldest written Norwegian language it is knowledge about, is the indigenous Nordic runic alphabet with 24 characters. It is found likewise inscriptions in Denmark, Sweden and Norway back to circa 200 before Christ. Since then the Norwegian language has developed and changed through different phases. Because of this, some words can be so old that we do not know about their background.

David H. Hegg